Special issue on ‘Alī al-Qūshjī
Call for Papers
December 15, 2024 will mark the 550 years since the death of ‘Alī al-Qūshjī (d. 879/1474), one of the most distinguished scholars of the 15th-century Islamic-Turkish world. To mark this occasion, the October 2024 special issue of Nazariyat: Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences is dedicated to ’Alī al-Qūshjī.
‘Alī al-Qūshjī was a prominent figure in various sciences such as theology, astronomy, mathematics, and linguistics. Having grown up in Samarkand under the patronage of the Timurid ruler Ulugh Beg, ‘Alī al-Qūshjī contributed to theoretical and observational astronomy, mathematics, and theology as one of the leading actors of the Samarkand School of Mathematics and Astronomy. He was able to present his unique perspective in a vibrant scientific environment based on traditions of thought within the framework of the Kalāmī, Peripatetic, Illuminationist, and Akbarī positions. In addition, ‘Alī al-Qūshjī’s migration to Istanbul with his family and students not only globalized the Samarkand School but also resulted in his works being translated into different languages and resonating across a wide area. This long journey placed ‘Alī al-Qūshjī in an exceptional position regarding the circulation of knowledge and interactions among various cultures.
Even though his well-known connections with the Samarkand Observatory and Ulugh Beg had resulted in a dominant narrative in the literature regarding his contributions to the development of astronomy and mathematical sciences, light has yet to be shed upon the details regarding these.
Aside from his other works, his theological work Sharḥ al-Tajrīd and linguistic work Unkūd al-Zawāhir have had considerable impacts during and after his time. The contemporary research community will gain by analyzing from different perspectives these and other works from ‘Alī al-Qūshjī. Discussions should also occur on the historical context that had paved the way for ‘Alī al-Qūshjī’s upbringing and influence.
This special issue aims to contribute to the literature by revealing the importance ‘Alī al-Qūshjī and his works have had in the history of Islamic philosophy and science, and we look forward to articles on this important person from the fifteenth century.
Final Submission Date: January 31, 2024
Special Issue Editors:
Prof. İhsan Fazlıoğlu, Istanbul Medeniyet University
Asst. Prof. Zehra Bilgin, Istanbul Medeniyet University
Asst. Prof. Hasan Umut, Boğaziçi University
Some suggested research topics are as follow:
• The intellectual biography of ‘Alī al-Qūshjī
• ‘Alī al-Qūshjī’s theological philosophy
• ‘Alī al-Qūshjī and the Illuminationist tradition
• Metaphysics according to ‘Alī al-Qūshjī
• Natural sciences according to ‘Alī al-Qūshjī
• ‘Alī al-Qūshjī and theoretical astronomy
• Samarkand Observatory and ‘Alī al-Qūshjī’s contribution to the zīj literature
• ‘Alī al-Qūshjī’s mathematical works
• Linguistics and the philosophy of language according to ‘Alī al-Qūshjī
• ‘Alī al-Qūshjī’s contributions to the field of exegesis
• ‘Alī al-Qūshjī’s students and followers in the context of his works and views
• ‘Alī al-Qūshjī as part of Timurid and Ottoman intellectual life
• The scientific debates ‘Alī al-Qūshjī’s works have generated
• Translations of ‘Alī al-Qūshjī’s works into different languages and their effects
Article submission: Researchers can submit their original articles of 5,000 to 10,000 words in length via the form at https://nazariyat.org/en/submission. You can review the Notes to Contributors page on the journal website at https://nazariyat.org/en before submitting your manuscript.
For questions and more detailed information, e-mail editor@nazariyat.org.